Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Guilty Boys

Let's be honest. I did engage in flirting.

But, it was nothing more than harmless giggles where I wrinkle my nose a bit, looking up at him while biting my lip and a few hair twirls~ the usual. It was nothing to me. I just liked him "Liking" everything I post on Facebook and Instagram.
I was sitting and eating with a friend in a Chinese food buffet when this guy that flirts with me walked in. He looked frightened when he saw me then a few seconds later a girl walked in behind him.

I didn't think anything was wrong. I wasn't dating him and I didn't want to date him.

Of course I didn't expect him to flirt with me in front of the girl, but saying Hi to me would be nice. He's seen me with guys and still talked to me, so I thought if the roles were reversed it wouldn't be a big deal.

He walked close to my table but was seated a few tables away. Still not a problem. I didn't expect him to sit with my friend and I. That might get awkward, and she had claimed girl talk from me for the afternoon. I got up to get more food and he was up too with the girl. I sensed he was nervous, so I wouldn't talk to him. I thought a wave might be better.

I waved at him, and he looked at me for about 2 full seconds then turned his head. No wave back.

Then he ushered the girl back to the table. I was annoyed, but I just got my food and went to my table. I looked over at his table when I was walking back and he was staring at me. Once back at my table every time I looked up he was staring at me.

I didn't understand his behavior. It was like he felt guilty for bringing a girl to lunch. I knew we were flirty, but I thought we were friends too. I was so annoyed by his actions.

Later, he texted me.

"What's up?"

"Uh, I don't know."

"What do you mean"

"You were really weird when I ran into you today. Can't wave, huh?"

"I didn't want you to be mad at me"

"Why would I be mad?"

"You looked hot today"

After that he went on Facebook and Instagram and liked almost everything I posted. Even though I'm still unsure what he thought I would be mad at, I let him off the hook. I know guilty boys forget their manners, and can't control their bladders.

I wouldn't want him to ruin a pair of his skinny jeans. He looks so cute in them. ;)


  1. hahaha this is great! Why are boys so awkward? Their balls are huge online or texting, but the size of a dime in person.

    Hate it.

    1. I know right?! I think they're scared we'll crush their balls in person. Maybe we should continue to let them think that... ;)
