Monday, February 11, 2013

Coughing in a Classroom

Well, it's that time of the year. Everyone is sick and coughing up nasty things. Maybe I'm just weird, but when I'm sick with a cough there is no silent coughing. It's rather inconvenient for someone who has to sit in lectures 5 days a week but I just don't have the power to stop myself from coughing.

I cough with force. I cough with passion. I cough like a beast. When I cough I actually feel my ribs sinking in.

I was sitting in a lecture not too long ago, and I had to cough. I thought it would interrupt my Professor, so I tried to hold it in. I held my breath for a few seconds hoping the couching sensation would go away. It really just made things worst.

 My body started like convulsing and making weird Darth Vader noises. The person sitting in front of me turned around a few times to see what the heck was going on. But, I just shrugged them off.

I decided not breathing was not the way to go, and this cough had to come out.

I told myself one little cough and I would be done.Well, that didn't go as planned. I started coughing uncontrollably. Then I could smell my perfume and it was irritating me more. I ended up just leaving the class room to get some water from the water fountain.

Meanwhile, while all of this was happening I missed out on half a lecture trying to choke down a cough. Also, I think the person sitting in front of me later suffered from hand sanitizer over dose.


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