Thursday, January 31, 2013

Why Journalists Are Awkward Royalty

Imagine you're in a fancy ballroom. When you look around you see Women in pretty ball gowns with silky white gloves and Men in Tuxes with exquisite gold buttons on their sleeves. There's a big fancy party going on, and you're observing it wanting to remember every detail about it. 

Now, Imagine you're in boxers and everyone is staring at you. Throw a camera in the mix, and congratulations! You now have a small taste of what it feels like to be a journalist. 

I recently had to cover a few events for a newspaper. At the events hot topics in the United Stated and the Middle East we discussed. At both of these events the media was blamed for a large portion of what's wrong in both parts of the world. 

That's great. 

I encourage people to question where their news is coming from, and to be mindful that not all sources are valid or get the full story. 

But being the person snapping pictures of everything and writing down everyone’s every word—awkward!

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