Saturday, January 19, 2013

Headphones and Bluetooths are Mean

Oh, sorry were you reading my blog? I had my headphones in I didn't hear you.

How many times have you said a variation of that sentence?

Now that a majority of human interaction is electronic, it’s not surprising that people have no idea if someone is talking to them or not.

For example, yesterday my friend had a 10 minute conversation with me while walking to lunch. I only heard the last few seconds because I had my headphones in.

I think that clothing manufactures and electronic companies have a giggle about the confusion they create. I have a sweatshirt that has a hole in the pocket to hide your headphones in. I’m assuming so that they won’t get wet or damaged if you’re working out or something. But, there’s a flaw in the design. If you wear the sweatshirt when you’re walking around like most people (who works out in a sweatshirt), no one knows you’re listening to music.

This little conundrum has taken a turn towards the awkward. What do you do when you’re having a conversation with someone, and they turn around and say “I’m on the phone”? Some people get really angry when they discover you weren’t talking to them.

My advice? Look before you talk. It might be awkward to stare at someone’s ears before you talk to them, but bite the bullet. It’s even more awkward to have to explain to someone you have been following them for 10 minutes before they noticed your presence.  


  1. I think the hole in the sweatshirt was designed for people to listen to their music in class. At least that's how my high school used them. If you had long hair, you threaded the headphones up your hoodie and hid your ears with your hair, or you threaded the headphones down the sleeve of your arm and leaned on your hand to listen.

    But yea, I understand the problem. My mom tries to talk to me every time I put my headphones in. It's annoying because I always have to pull them out to hear her or I have to just ignore her and pretend I'm listening.

  2. Lol I wish I could have gotten away with that in high school. You could only wear a sweatshirt to class if you were a Senior. We all had Official Senior sweatshirts made-- it's a tradition. So, there were no fun secret headphone holes. :(

    Lol I hear ya!
