Tuesday, January 29, 2013

5 Tips For Dealing With People That Ticked You Off

1. Let your inner gangsta' out.

You don't have to stroll up to the person like you're gonna start a rap battle. Just send them a text, or a message on Facebook. This is such a small step, but you'd be shocked how many people type messages then never press SEND. Send that message, yo!

2. Try not to use the words "You Did"

You don't want the person to feel attacked. Try saying "I feel that you.." whatever. The person is more likely to listen to you because you're not accusing them, you're telling them your feelings about the situation.

3. Don't let your emotions overpower the main goal

The main goal is to mend this relationship right? So, don't get so emotional that you lose sight of the goal. Be brief. Be factual. Be cool. Relax.

4. Wear Sunglasses

Sometimes it's better to have something covering your eyes. This might be an awkward tip, but it helps. If you decide to talk to that person one-on-one-face-to-face, awesome. Sunglasses offer a nice buffer if you don't feel comfortable looking the person in the face. To some people eye contact is the hardest part. With your sunglasses on feel free to look around.

5. Hug it out

I'm a firm believer that an argument or disagreement is not over until there are hugs involved. Even if you didn't hear everything you wanted to hear, if most things got resolved let it go. Hug it out, even if it's an awkward hug.


  1. Replies
    1. I thought the advice to press Send was going to end in an awkward moment! Could happen. ;) Is there a word for text-message remorse? Probably should be. This week I witnessed one blazing Facebook fight. About as entertaining, I guess, as Buckwild, in that same kind of I-need-a-shower sort of way. I'm always amazed at what people are willing to say on Facebook or text vs. what they're willing to say in person (which is usually something like "um, hi" or nothing at all). We can talk about this later. I'll be wearing sunglasses. :)

    2. Haha! The Kitty was the main purpose for this topic, SuJahn.

      Prof. Jakiela! :) Agreed! Sometimes it gets bad, but at least you got your point across. It's better than bottling everything up, and then being angry for no reason. Sometimes it has to get awkward before it gets awesome. I think anyway :D

  2. I wear sunglasses, that is how i deal with those moments. Great and handy tips to keep in mind

  3. Gir is the perfect way to mend friendships. How can you still be mad at someone when you see him?
